DC Series
High-Speed, Fine Finish Profile Milling Machines

DC Series
The ultimate die / mold milling machines
Super rigid design and construction coupled with high-speed, high precision spindles makes the DC Series the preferred choice for demanding die and mold applications. These machines handle a wide range of cutting demands from roughing to super-fine finish machining. In fact, the DC Series is world renowned for providing the smoothest and cleanest automotive die surfaces.
With state-of-the-art CNC controls and a wide selection of available software and attachment options, the DC 5-Axis Series epitomizes SNK’s commitment to be at the forefront in offering high-speed high precision and high productivity milling machines for the die production market.
- Durables rigid design
-stands up to extended, high-speed operations - Massive 430mm x 430mm square ram and large diameter curvic coupling
-allows for powerful machining with vertical spindle adapter - Versatile spindle supported by large diameter cylindrical bearings
-makes plunge cuts possible and withstands large helical loads
-perform all operations from preparatory operations to final finishes without changing workpiece set-up - Linear guideays
-provide high-speed, high-precision X,Y and Z axes movements - Feedrate Smoothing Function
-allows improved machined surface quality and reduced machining time
DC Series Specifications

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